Avocado Farms

Our farms are organic compliant  as the pesticides used are the recommended by the ministry. A healthy avocado tree has a root system that can penetrate the soil to 1 m, with most of the feeder roots in the top 20 cm of soil in the drip zone.  The roots are very fragile. When roots are damaged or waterlogged, Root rot (Phytophthora) can develop very fast.  Soils are deep ripped in a cross pattern to crack any hard pans.  Soil amendments (lime / calcium / phosphorous / organic matter) are well mixed into the soil. The soil is loosened as deep as possible. In shallow soils – ridges of 3m wide and 0.5m high are dug to increase soil depth and drainage. Inter-row spacing is planned to allow equipment access.

Other Produce

We have partnered with small scale farmers of mangoes, Pineapples and passion fruits.

Happy Farmers Quality Produce

We always make sure our farmers are well equipped and facilitated for a good harvest